Although most of us are enjoying a relaxing summer break, the new school year is just around the corner. August is the time to get ready for back to school, by preparing ourselves with the proper supplies and organizational techniques.
Follow these suggestions to create a less stressful year and to avoid that last minute scurry before the first day of school. Even if you don’t have children or aren’t attending school yourself, we can all benefit by using this time to readjust our schedules and routines.
1) Use Calendars - Prepare your calendar for the upcoming school year. Family members should have easy access to one central calendar at home. Keep one in your kitchen or den so everyone in your family can see what is on the agenda for the weeks ahead. Record important dates such as school closings, vacations, appointments or meetings.
2) Only Buy What You Will Use - Organizing and prioritizing means making space in your room, home or office to store new school work and supplies.
3) Get Rid of the Old to Make Room for the New - Get rid of old books and papers that you no longer use. When you do come across important papers, have a specific place to store them. A filing cabinet would be a great investment, and it keeps stacks of papers out of sight.
4) Keep All School Supplies in One Area - Designate one spot in your home for all your school supplies. Spend 15 minutes each night tidying up this area. This will save time in the morning and avoid the panic of looking for misplaced items. Always have your backpack ready and your homework finished the night before. Keep lunches prepared in the fridge and ready to grab.
5) Donate Old Clothes - Everyone wants to have a few new items of clothing for the first day of school. Before you go shopping, look at the clothes you already own to see how they will work for the fall season. Go through your closet and get rid of outdated clothes and those that don’t fit. If you haven’t worn items in months or years, chances are you do not need them. Getting rid of these articles of clothing will make way for your new fall wardrobe.
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